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NEW ERA OF TECHNOLOGY - A Gift From the Stars?!

Updated: Dec 17, 2023

Original reports indicate in Roswell 1947 that the US Airforce had taken possession of a flying saucer. The Government 'it seems' has since covered up the discovery. In recent times when asked about, Roswell 1947, the officials care not to elaborate on the subject, suggesting they are keeping things in the closet. There are indications, in certain places that the disc technologies are very real and that they allow time travel. Furthermore it is proposed some of these high tech spacecraft may have stopped in from the future. It is suggested Roswell 1947 was the original craft and had come from the stars. Some reports advise this craft's engines were fueled differently, that the secret to this fuel contained in Eden is made on an anti-matter compound relating to 'Metatron's cube' which is known as the fruit of the tree of life. Has mankind evolved to a new era? In utilizing these technologies we may be on the verge of even being considered angels.

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