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This website deals with sacred text from around the globe. In working with the information contained within the scriptures; delivering studies and posts designed to enlighten and inform. The basis is a grounding in sacred texts that is unparalleled in religious ideology.

According To Research




No movement 
on problems!
and we get

Finances are the reason why we are going nowhere with the big issues

Creating giants and holding out
The current situation has become threatening and unless resolved could cost the lives of many good people. We have shortage on electricity, energy is being used to accumulate funds whilst humanities’ finances are in the hands of the wealthy. We could be in economic crisis at any point as technologies are kept hidden, not soon to be released, which are necessary to ease the pressures on the human race.

This is the problem at core. Issues could pile up continually unless addressed. This situation can only amount to disaster. The problems began a century ago when Tesla's experiment was abandoned at that time too they started stealing technologies. These technologies are meant for humanity and where are they? Ownership got in the way.


Misuse of power in regards to investment has caused Nikola Tesla's invention with wireless electricity to be a non-event from the start. This is an extremely heavy burden on humanity. This should not have occurred, humanity needs this technology worldwide. Many other types of technological genius have been taken away due to this same mistake. The amassing of funds instead of technologies going ahead was the error when already the system was correct in goal shooting and distribution of funds. The hording of these fine discoveries is very expensive to humanity as things grow evermore awkward.


In fact in this hold out and honoring the corporate giants, as well as the big banks has put us in such a spot as to never get out as the leadership implements a system of economy where revenue is allotted to corporate greed. Instead of working towards a goal wealth is built-up which puts us at a standstill regarding growth in these areas. Ownership entering the equation the situation can only get worse in holding out and not coming to terms with getting things done towards the problems people face.


The system needs to be restored to democratic order with corporations returned to being taxed and expenditure turned back to targeting the problems of the human race. Tight Policy on these concerns is not what is needed, it is imperative we release the technologies; get worldwide ASAP.


It is extremely likely that Roswell, 1947 was a disk from outer space; reports I have first hand indicate this is the case and if I am honest this is really beyond doubt. Not to mention whatever other technical knowledge may have been on board. The time travel capabilities said to be available on a craft like this could have a serious effect on the problems we all face. Meanwhile these technologies and others are not only held back, some of them are being grossly misused; it is just as important we do not take this avenue with regards to this as things have a purpose and should not be misused. This too could amount to drastic consequences.

WORLDWIDE IN THE 1960’s???? (Undiscovered)
Democracy says “It’s a goal - No price”
Expenditure on issues (Everyone's) Common purpose
'Coutrtesy Tesla' - Fuel Source (Energy)


CORPORATE STOCKADE???? (Undiscovered)
Capitalist Society states “It costs too much”
Deepening Expenditure (Ownership) Single purpose 'Courtesy Faraday' - Radiation (Heat Energy)

The REAL technologies suppressed - Technology used for stand over

Monopoly - Creating giants - Halting progress - Obstructing issues

Corporate Welfare - Deepening expenditure - A gazillion's return!

"Why are these technologies serving the banks?"









New Wave Of Technology

A Gift To Humanity? 

Original reports indicate in Roswell 1947 that the US Airforce had taken possession of a flying saucer. The Government 'it seems' has since covered up the discovery.
In recent times when asked about, Roswell 1947, the officials care not to elaborate on the subject, suggesting they are keeping things in the closet.
There are indications, in certain places that the disc technologies are very real and that they allow time travel. Furthermore it is proposed some of these high tech spacecraft may have stopped in from the future.
It is suggested Roswell 1947 was the original craft and had come from the stars. Some reports advise this craft's engines were fueled differently, that the secret to this fuel contained in Eden is made on an anti-matter compound relating to 'Metatron's cube' which is known as the fruit of the tree of life.
Has mankind evolved to a new era? In utilizing these technologies we may be on the verge of even being considered angels.

Utilised Correctly

"Fear and the Pit and the Snare are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth" - Isaiah 24:17
Angel (Watcher) Shekinah (Temple) Nephilim (Fallen One)
                            Observation only!!!
Do not interact with people's brains with such equipment



To Be

Used In



According to sacred texts a common grounding exists to give unity to the people


The Heavens & The Earth



The Story of Creation & The Theory of Evolution


"1 In the beginning God....."

The big-bang matter and anti-matter collide 

 ".....created the heavens and the earth".


Adam (Jacob)

Jannes (Esau)


Yang / Yin ; Tiger / Dragon


The Damascus Document

- Spirit of Truth / "Prince of Light"

- Spirit of Falsehood / "Angel of Darkness"


Brahma (Creator)

- Vishnu (Preserver)

- Siva (Destroyer)


- Metatron / Idris

- Samael / Iblis


- Spiritualism / Altruistic / Master / Christ

- Materialism / Egocentric / Mastema / Satan


- Anti-Matter / Spirit (Invisible)

- Matter / Flesh (Visible)

The Seven Aspects of Creation
The Ten Sefirot and the Tree of Life

God (The Creator)

YHWH - Lord of Spirits - Allah - Brahman / Praja-pati

Zeus - The Great Spirit - Jah

<> Kether Sefirah.


 Messiah (Way / Truth / Life)

Adam - Jacob (Israel) - Joshua (Son of Nun) - Chosen One / Manchild

Enoch (Metatron) - Melchizedek - Jesus

<> Tiphareth Sefirah.

<> Chesed Sefirah. The Sacred. White Cultures / Creeds <>
Naval Chakra, Sense Sight, Element - Fire, Sin - Greed
Ephesus, Food - Grain. Element of Enlightenment - Peace
#1 "And the spirit of The LORD shall rest upon him," An eye to see

Favor, Mercy, Discretion, Michael, Lion
<> Geburah Sefirah <> Severity, Adversity, Samael
<> Binah Sefirah. The Chosen. Yellow Cultures / Creeds <>
Root Chakra, Sense Hearing, Element - Earth, Sin - Lust
Smyrna, Food - Vegetable, Element of Enlightenment - Wisdom
#2 "... the spirit of wisdom and," An ear to hear

Wisdom, Raphael, Ox, Earth
Desire, Fear, Kesebel
<> Chochmah Sefirah. The Honest. Brown Cultures / Creeds <>
Heart Chakra, Sense Touch, Element - Air, Sin - Wrath
Pergamum. Food - Protien, Element of Enlightenment - Energy
#3 "Understanding," A heart to reflect

Union, Authority, Ability, Gabriel, Man, Sky
Sin, Pit, The Lawless One, Gadrel, Behemoth
<> Hod Sefirah. The Just. Black Cultures / Creeds <>
Sacral Chakra, Sense Taste, Element - Water, Sin - Gluttony
Thyatira, Food - Liquid, Element of Enlightenment - Mindfulness
#4 "the spirit of counsel and," Intellect with which to deliberate

Virtue, Splendor, Uriel, Eagle
Death, Snare, Betrayer, Penemue, <>'Daat'.
<> Netzach Sefirah. Red Cultures / Creeds <>
Third-Eye Chakra. Sense Intuition, Element - Wood, Sin - Pride
Sardis, Food - Fasting, Element of Enlightenment - Concentration
#5 "might"
Victory, Courage - Remiel
Hades - Kesyade
<> Yesod Sefirah. Red Cultures / Creeds <>
Throat Chakra. Sense Smell, Element - Wood, Sin - Sloth
Philidelphia, Food - Fruit, Element of Enlightenment - Equanimity
#6 "the spirit of knowledge and of"

Acceptance, Temperance - Saraqael
Temptation - Jezabel
<> Malchut Sefirah. Red Cultures / Creeds <>
Crown Chakra. Sense Thinking, Element - Wood, Sin - Envy
Laodicea, Food -Pure Air, Element of Enlightenment - Joy
#7 "the fear of The LORD."

Faith - Raguel, The Shekinah
Doubt - Leviathan, The Klipah
“And [#1] the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, [#2] the spirit of wisdom and [#3] understanding, [#4] the spirit of counsel and [#5] might, [#6] the spirit of knowledge and of [#7] the fear of the LORD.”

- Isaiah 11:2

Minds that are grounded in seven elements of enlightenment (mindfulness, wisdom, energy, joy, peace, concentration, equanimity), that don't cling to anything but rejoice in the freedom of non-attachment, whose appetites are conquered, who are full of light, attain nirvana.

- Dhammapada, 6.14, Panditavaggo, The Wise Man

Note: Modified virtues and planets on Tree of Life
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